2014: Ringing It In Right


Going “Up North” is something that’s been in my family for a very long time. My mom’s grandma bought a place in northern Wisconsin on a tiny lake several years ago; five generations have now understood what it means to drive through the pine trees, breathe the freshest of air, and REALLY see stars.

Usually most of my cousins, aunts and uncles come up to ring in the new year. Traditionally we’ve had awards, themes, costumes, and Auntie’s Punch. We had a very small crew this year, but we still did our best to have fun. We had a casino night featuring Texas Hold ‘Em and Oceans 13.


I got second place in poker! Unfortunately for me, it was Winner Takes All. I’ll leave that loss in 2013 😉


Raspberry is my new favorite flavor of Wood Chucks. Cheers to gluten-free cider!

Speaking of RINGing in the new year, I was so excited that my former roommate and very good friend Victoria came up to celebrate the new year with me and my family! Victoria got engaged right after Christmas, so I loved sharing the new excitement in her life (and shamelessly browsing Pinterest and other wedding sites to our hearts’ content).

My feeling for 2014 is ever-increasingly good. Great things are in store!

Greek Girls Don’t Lose Their Pants


Am I the only one who’s still quoting The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Two? Maybe I’m the only one who ever quoted the semi-famous movie sequel based off of the four book series by Anne Brashares.

Context: I officially moved into my new apartment (called the Cteve Hut) two days ago; then yesterday I left the apartment to head to our family’s cabin located three hours north. I actually think I’m decent at packing, but it was difficult to unpack and repack (let alone know where my basic life items are currently stored). Lucky for me I’ve got a toothbrush in my purse (priorities, people!) for emergencies.

So what did I forget? Jeans. (I decided to wear patterned leggings that day too, go figure).

I text my sister explaining my dilemma and asking her to bring me pants when she heads to the cabin. Her reply:

Hahaha got it!

Greek girls don’t lose their pants.

I guess the moral of the story is that I’m not the only one who quotes Sisterhood, and that I should not overlook packing pants.

ImageHonest moment: I was actually pretty okay with the outfit I wore yesterday, going with the whole northern-hipster-lumberjack look. But I definitely wouldn’t receive any points in the versatility department. Too bad I didn’t take a picture of my fashion statement for church this morning. I looked like an Olsen twin!!

Hot 10 Summer Countdown


Without even trying to have a perfect number I conveniently came up with ten highlights of summer 2013:

1: Annie’s Bachelorette Party. I loved hanging out with all the ladies and having a really fun time just being together. Planning the bash with my BFF Kate was fun, too. And of course the “Bride In The Middle!” pictures.



2. Annie and Travis Getting Married. I loved the wedding, and the reception was exceptionally fun, too. What a beautiful day and a great couple!



3. Going Up North. Of course if we have to get specific, going up north for the Fourth is the best, but in reality I loved each visit to the northern woods.



4. Megan and Ben’s Wedding. July 13 was a long anticipated day, and there were so many special elements to the whole wedding weekend. Standing up for the couple was a true honor, being able to visit with most of my close friends was great, and flying by myself was a new experience! Image

5. Florida Georgia Line for cheap at a county fair. Somebody in our group discovered a freakishly short line to get in, too, which was clutch.


6. Ten Years of Jilli And The Overheads. Our “band” happened just a few weeks ago, but I loved seeing some good friends and creating lots of memories throughout the week.Image


7. Establishing the Cteve Hut. Have I mentioned that our apartment adviser/coordinator is my new best friend? Yeah we talk… #kiddingnotkidding ha. Anyway Cteve Hut is great and it breaks my heart a little that I can’t just be there.




8. Seeing Danielle punctually after her engagement. I am glad it worked to meet up with Danielle. Fun fact- she’s my only college friend I have visited every summer 🙂



9. I Hope It Rains video with Lauren & Jilli. I love when the two sets of sisters get together, and though our locations and schedules disagreed for most of this summer, we are hopeful to begin regular hangout times again in the future.


10. Girl Trip to Florida. I hardly know what to even say about this one. We did a lot of shopping, sun-time…and the eight of us drove everywhere in a seven passenger SUV. Honestly, the trip was perfect.



I just know there are memories to be made for the rest of 2013; I’m so excited to discover whatever may come my way!


I Ain’t Ever Gonna Beat This Summer With You


The most special thing about going Up North for holidays (specifically Independence Day and New Year’s) is that time is spent with some of the people I love most. I now have four “almost nieces and nephews” and two of them, including this cutie, came up for the fourth. Next year I bet this little girl will be talking as we watch the parade by day and fireworks by night.


I wonder how I will improve in a year?! 😉

Life in a Northern Town


I’m loving life in a northern town, and it’s especially great that I’ve been here for days and I still have another day to enjoy this slower-paced life. Being with many of my favorite people is so special, and taking full advantage of the bright sun is another big plus of this great getaway.


Today’s agenda will include a trip into town, sun time, good food, games, and chill time with the fam.



We made it to July! I am so excited for everything this month has in store.


  1. Fireworks up north with my family and relatives
  2. Standing up in Megan and Ben’s wedding
  3. Being reunited with some college friends
  4. Two bachelorette parties & a shower
  5. Riding to work with my brother
  6. Attempting an Instagram daily challenge
  7. Bunking with my sister

I am amazed by how quickly I came up with seven things. This really is my year… a year I’m humbly grateful for.

One Blue Sky


I’m not the world’s biggest scenery photographer, but I got a new camera (which will hopefully mean more exciting things for my blog, yay!) and I wanted to take a few pictures.


It’s no secret that Up North is not a place where I look my best so I thought I’d stick to taking my first few pictures of the beautiful scenery. I think I made a good decision:


Father’s Day Weekend


I celebrated Father’s Day with my dad at our family’s cabin this weekend. Yesterday, we went to church, cleaned the garage, went to Menard’s, and watched the A-Team–I’m glad we were able to do lots of things my dad loves!

Father’s Day is a holiday where I find myself humbly thankful for what I have as my heart hurts for those with not-so-pleasant family situations.

ImageI love this picture we took over Spring Break- my dad’s reaction to me buying him a beer.

I’m so thankful for my hardworking, funny, caring, generous Father.
Love you, Dad!

Because HE Lives


I truly had a great Easter this year, but it was not the traditional Easter Up North I’m used to. Because we were home and not at the cabin this year, we missed out on the Up North Church service. I missed some of the hymns closest to my heart, so as I give thanks for Christ’s amazing gift to me, I’m meditating on the ancient words of some special hymns.

