He Is Risen Indeed!


Happy Easter, everyone! Today is, ultimately, the most important day of the year as we celebrate the TRUTH that we serve a risen Savior!


We did the traditional Easter egg dying and hunt last weekend; today will consist of a delicious dinner, good company, and reflection of the beautiful story of Christ’s redemptive love and saving grace.


Have a wonderful day!

Today I Graduated From College


Technically, I graduated from college in December 2013, but today was the day I participated in the ceremony  and walked alongside many friends and classmates to receive our diplomas together.

I will go back to my SEVEN SEMESTERS posts but tonight is the time to reflect on this special day.

I walked into the science center with my friend and fellow business major Joey. The two of us entered into a basement classroom filled with other graduates donned in caps and gowns and medallions and gold ropes. I got to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in weeks or months.

All the graduates were assigned in an order; I got to be with all the BS business people (my crew!). I got to sit between Brandon and Elizabeth; I knew everyone who graduated in our section (I just love my little school).

We had time to take a few pictures, chat, and re-arrange our caps before finally walking into the chapel where the ceremony took place.

Our speaker was funny. Our student association president (AKA my good friend Nate) led a litany; our Lincoln Laureate (AKA my good friend Megan) led our class through the processional. Our speaker was funny and challenging; the Cool Guys’ Floor freshman year was named after him.

Rochelle’s dad closed out the service with a really special benediction. I couldn’t think of a more special way to close the ceremony.

We marched outside. I enjoyed a few low-key moments with my classmates; then everybody else headed outside. I chatted with friends, classmates, professors, friends’ parents and grandparents, and a few people I didn’t even know. I smiled for pictures and said a whole lot of “let’s-not-say-goodbye-but-instead-I’ll-see-you-at-[mutual friend’s]-wedding-this-summer.”

I’m so thankful for my college professors-very smart individuals who care about me as an individual and remember me even several semesters after I’ve been enrolled in their classes. I have learned so much during college; I’m thankful for the patience, Christian insight, and hard work that my instructors consistently displayed throughout the semesters.

My gratitude also extends to my classmates who graduated with me-congratulations! Our class is sending out some wonderful nurses and social workers and businesspeople and teachers and accountants and historians and psychologists. Thank you for learning with me and teaching me so much, both in the classroom and beyond.

I think that we are leaving this community in good hands. I have had the pleasure to meet so many Trolls who are still students and I cannot wait to see the things that they do as individuals, and the things they will do as a whole.

Trinity, you have been very good to me.


Eph. 3: 20-21
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

2014: Ringing It In Right


Going “Up North” is something that’s been in my family for a very long time. My mom’s grandma bought a place in northern Wisconsin on a tiny lake several years ago; five generations have now understood what it means to drive through the pine trees, breathe the freshest of air, and REALLY see stars.

Usually most of my cousins, aunts and uncles come up to ring in the new year. Traditionally we’ve had awards, themes, costumes, and Auntie’s Punch. We had a very small crew this year, but we still did our best to have fun. We had a casino night featuring Texas Hold ‘Em and Oceans 13.


I got second place in poker! Unfortunately for me, it was Winner Takes All. I’ll leave that loss in 2013 😉


Raspberry is my new favorite flavor of Wood Chucks. Cheers to gluten-free cider!

Speaking of RINGing in the new year, I was so excited that my former roommate and very good friend Victoria came up to celebrate the new year with me and my family! Victoria got engaged right after Christmas, so I loved sharing the new excitement in her life (and shamelessly browsing Pinterest and other wedding sites to our hearts’ content).

My feeling for 2014 is ever-increasingly good. Great things are in store!

This Is My Christmas


I loved Christmas 2013; it was wonderful, as Christmas always is. I loved seeing almost all of my cousins, and my two “nieces” and two “nephews” as well. We ate a lot of really good food and enjoyed the day being among the best company. Our family is pretty low-key, so we spent the afternoon lounging, chatting, and munching on more food. We missed our cousin Nikki, who lives in Denmark and spent Christmas day eating whale with her boyfriend Mads and his family.ImageImageImageChristmas is a time for family, tradition, and the season of giving. I love the sweet memories of my Great Grandma and the joy she had throughout November and December, preparing for Christmas Eve at her house. I love the smell of turkey when my family comes home from Church, and I love greeting everyone who comes into our home. I love Auntie’s punch and being my mom’s helper. Oh, and I like presents, too 🙂

What does your Christmas look like?

Christmas Wish List


I have a festive family-the kind that all shouts “Timber!” when my dad cuts down the Christmas tree. The kind that sings “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” and “Roll Out The Barrel” at baseball games (even if the game is minor-league and no one else stands to sing). The kind that busts out maracas for our birthdays so we can shake them and exclaim, “it’s my birthday” just for the fun of it and to relive a funny memory from a road trip for good time’s sake.

My dad always jokes that he’s going to make a Christmas list with several pages, probably an appendix, and definitely pictures. So, I now present to you my illustrated Christmas list. Keep in mind this list is not exclusive and is merely ideas.

Here we go:


1. To-Go mug/Tumblr such as this Anne Taintor one.

2. Boots-maybe gray or black.

3. A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book.

4. Cute clothes, like this shirt.

5. I love these leg warmers!

6. Scarves, perhaps from Etsy and preferably infinity scarves.

7. Cute dresses like this one. I can’t find the link, but I loooove the gold.

8. Basically anything from Paper Source but especially a calendar!

9. I could see myself wearing some kind of fur scarf like this.

10. I think this is the best sweater ever!

11. Artwork by Marc Johns or other artists I like (ie Kelly Rae Roberts, Leigh Standly, Amy Borrell, etc)


And that concludes this year’s illustrated Christmas Wish List. Cheers!

Joel Piper, Plain and Tall


After some quick research and getting over my personal self-denial, I faced the facts: I’ve never posted about Joel Piper before! But, let’s get real here-what better day than September 7, 2013 for the world to be acquainted with Mr. Piper.

I first heard “The Only One” after downloading it for free via Starbucks; then I heard his other songs and fell farther in love with his unique musical vibe.

My roommates and I loved this song last year because it begins with the lyrics, “I’ve had a really bad day” -so whenever we had a bad day, we’d come back to our room and jam out to “Gimme That Love Song.” Interestingly enough, the tables turned and we all began to appreciate bad days/moments because it got us pumped out for the jam sesh that was then in store.

My Friend Megan A



My good friend Megan celebrated her birthday just under one month ago. I never wrote a post for her but I love her lots and she deserves a shoutout.

Megan- I loved getting to know you well this year! You have been a significant blessing in my life over the past twelve months and I appreciate and admire you. From ULA class to MWF lunch dates to the Cubs game and several shenanigans… I love so many memories with you and I’m thankful to be your friend!

Summer Nights: A Tradition!


My SUMMER VACATION is officially here! Ever since this song became popular (2009?)…I’ve started the tradition of listening to this song right away to celebrate summer.

Next on the playlist: Summertime by Kenny Chesney

After that : Florida-Georgia Line babyyyyy!