Flashback to Florida


I realized that the last time I posted, I was in Florida; yet I never posted about Florida.

Here are a few of my favorite photos and memories from the glorious trip to Somewhere Warmer:

Trip highlights:
walks (and a few runs!) on the beach | great restaurants | slow mornings with coffee | time in the sun | island iced coffee

Sideshow || Anniversary

Life, Uncategorized

Today is my three year blogiversary with WordPress! My little blog was called “This Is My Year” at the time. I have to admit that 2013 was one kickin’ year, which included a trip to Italy, my 21st birthday (but that’s another story), living in two amazing housing situations; special weddings AND graduation from college.

Pre-story! I actually had a cutie-little blog, All About Cteve, which was launched my sophomore year of college; I ended that blog mainly because I ran out of free photo space on that page (I’m Dutch, need I say more?!).

I didn’t want to be vain, though, and knowing I was coming off of an amazing high which was college, I figured it would be a bit unrealistic to call 2014 “[This Is] My Year,” too, so I went with the general “sideshow” and have decided to stick with that name, for the time being at least.

When I fell in love with Gym (see what I did there?), I cut back on the #bloglyfe BIG TIME. But I missed blogging, and I still enjoy blogging, and I’m not ready to give up blogging. That being said, my posts are indeed fewer and farther between, but I also don’t intend for them to stop anytime soon. How’s that  for vague?

So I will continue with my little life blog. Stay tuned for whatever I want to share, whether it’s health tips or silly stories and fashion or songs or some new gig I may get into some day.

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Since this is a sentimental post already, here was my 2015 best nine (left to right and then top to bottom) Meeting Love & Theft | Becoming an Auntie | Time with my family | Time with my TRIO | Florida vacation | Visits from Brittany | Quality cousin time | Having a group of “local friends” | Summer memories including Allison’s visit and baseball games.

It’s A Girl!


On Wednesday I experienced the most special moment of my life thus far: meeting and holding my brand new baby niece.

I still remember hearing the news, that my Big Bro and sister-in-law were going to have a baby. I remember feeling surprised and excited. I sewed a baby quilt and sent up many prayers for Baby but it wasn’t until Wednesday when everything became real.

Getting the phone call, hearing a girl was born to them, seeing her for the first time, and holding her are memories-experiences even-that I treasure so deeply in my heart. The amount of joy and love I have because of this little girl is amazing me to tears (let’s be clear, I’m my mother’s daughter and the tears are HAPPY TEARS).

I can’t wait to watch this little girl grow up.

Aren't baby girls fun?! This proud auntie asked the bakeries to celebrate with us with baby-girl inspired Friday donuts.

Aren’t baby girls fun?! This proud auntie asked the bakeries to celebrate with us at work with baby-girl inspired donuts.

2014: Ringing It In Right


Going “Up North” is something that’s been in my family for a very long time. My mom’s grandma bought a place in northern Wisconsin on a tiny lake several years ago; five generations have now understood what it means to drive through the pine trees, breathe the freshest of air, and REALLY see stars.

Usually most of my cousins, aunts and uncles come up to ring in the new year. Traditionally we’ve had awards, themes, costumes, and Auntie’s Punch. We had a very small crew this year, but we still did our best to have fun. We had a casino night featuring Texas Hold ‘Em and Oceans 13.


I got second place in poker! Unfortunately for me, it was Winner Takes All. I’ll leave that loss in 2013 😉


Raspberry is my new favorite flavor of Wood Chucks. Cheers to gluten-free cider!

Speaking of RINGing in the new year, I was so excited that my former roommate and very good friend Victoria came up to celebrate the new year with me and my family! Victoria got engaged right after Christmas, so I loved sharing the new excitement in her life (and shamelessly browsing Pinterest and other wedding sites to our hearts’ content).

My feeling for 2014 is ever-increasingly good. Great things are in store!

For The Holidays


Funny how you could say “There’s No Place Like Home” and think one thing (WIzard of Oz, anyone?) but then when you add “For The Holidays” you immediately change your train of thought to the cheerful Christmas song.

Well, it’s true–there’s no place like home for the holidays, and I’m glad to be spending this one with my family. I loved yesterday with several of my cousins, aunts, uncles, and a few friends who are more like family. I’m giving thanks for good times that become sweet memories.


Celebrating Auntie


My Auntie celebrated her birthday this weekend. I so wish I could have been there to help celebrate, but I guess she will just have to celebrate a second time when I see her next!

I call her Auntie but in reality she’s my second mom. I’m so thankful for my Auntie because she has taught me so many things. Auntie leads by example and I’m so glad to have her in my life.

My Auntie is brave, responsible, thoughtful, creative and fun. Truly Auntie is a gift and a blessing in my life-my life is significantly better because Auntie is a part of it.

So here’s to you, Auntie! Thanks for being the best!



I Ain’t Ever Gonna Beat This Summer With You


The most special thing about going Up North for holidays (specifically Independence Day and New Year’s) is that time is spent with some of the people I love most. I now have four “almost nieces and nephews” and two of them, including this cutie, came up for the fourth. Next year I bet this little girl will be talking as we watch the parade by day and fireworks by night.


I wonder how I will improve in a year?! 😉

Life in a Northern Town


I’m loving life in a northern town, and it’s especially great that I’ve been here for days and I still have another day to enjoy this slower-paced life. Being with many of my favorite people is so special, and taking full advantage of the bright sun is another big plus of this great getaway.


Today’s agenda will include a trip into town, sun time, good food, games, and chill time with the fam.

Beautiful Garden


I got to spend time with my mom and aunt today. Among various other stops, we checked out a garden center near my house. I had never been there before, and I was pleasantly surprised with the beauty in it.

ImageMy mom and her “twin” (they’re not actually twins-just sisters-but people confuse them all the time)!ImagePretty chairs, plants, and arches were placed all over the center.

ImageThe gift shop inside was sightly, too.


I love summer and everything green and blooming!



I took a trip to Florida with some of my favorite girls. We took lots of pictures (and walks along the beach!), went shopping, ate delicious food, chatted, laughed, got a little too close to a few chameleons, etc etc. A great time was had by all!


Picture is a collage of instagram photos as displayed by iPhoneogram ( I didn’t know that was a thing until today)