I’m Thankful


I am finding myself in a place where I feel that I deeply and truly have so many things to be thankful for.

I’m thankful that we had a nice and long mild fall.

I’m thankful for my friends; for their willingness to drive to meet up, and for those who are very close by.

I’m thankful for my church and my small group, and for the friendship and encouragement I receive from them.

I’m thankful for my awesome family and for their consistency in my life.

I’m thankful for my roommate; for her positive spirit, grounded heart, and genuine friendship.

I’m thankful for my job; for the fun I have in the workplace, for the satisfaction of hard work and for the people I get to work with.

I’m thankful for my health; for the things I learn and apply about diet and exercise, and for the joy it brings in my life.

I’m thankful for America; for its beauty and vastness and for those who have served and are serving to protect its people.

I’m thankful for amazing grace and for the salvation I have received through Christ alone.

I’m thankful for Thanksgiving Day; a time where America stops to dwell on the good things in life. For a day to gather together and eat and enjoy the company of others.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give Thanks Free Printable | Hearts & Sharts

[image from Hearts & Arts]

Hello, Sunshine


I just got back from a business trip to San Diego. I am lucky/fortunate/blessed enough to admit that this is my second business trip to San Diego. I want to “legit vacation” in this city someday, as I have become quite infatuated yet have not seen a lot of what SoCal has to offer.

What I have seen of this city I love:
SUNSHINE, fantastic stores, high fashion, delicious food, the glistening ocean and an absolutely gorgeous clear blue sky.

Added bonus of this state is a dry heat, AKA my hair's best cooperation.

Added bonus of this state is a dry heat, AKA my hair’s best cooperation.

Until next time, San Deigo. XOXO.

One Year: A Blogiversary


Don’t worry guys, blogiversary is a registered word in the [Urban] Dictionary so there’s instant credibility for my word choice right there.

WordPress notified me that I registered for sjongetjes.wordpress.com one year ago today!

I started this blog as This Is My Year! in order to record my interim trip to Italy. I’m so happy with all the directions this blog took. With 300 posts and 105 followers, I’m thrilled and thankful for everyone who’s joined me in this journey!


If I could buy a round of these fantastic Italian coffee chocolate drinks, believe me, I would. The best I can do is say cheers, and recommend that if you ever visit Italy to definitely indulge in one a few of these.

Fun-Filled, Action-Packed


My family used to volunteer to watch kids occasionally in our church’s nursery. When parents would bring their children in, my dad would always ask,

Are YOU ready for a fun-filled, action-packed time?

That same phrase has come to my mind several times-this week, and this semester. Knowing how fast three years of college flew, I was convinced my final four months would vanish in the blink of an eye. And that’s just what happened.

I use art to process events, so I’ll be posting about more snapshots of specific adventures that happened at the end of this semester. I’m also making a Smash Book (yay!) and I’m excited to see where that brings me.

In the meantime: a huge THANK YOU to

  • My family, for supporting me fully through this journey
  • All the older people who “poured into me” and helped me to grow-RAs, RDs, professors, campus leaders . . .
  • Everyone involved in FYF- the directors, my co-mentors, and all those freshmen and transfer students who shaped my life more than anyone would imagine
  • My roommates, for teaching me how to live with people (and that’s not always easy!)
  • LLI– for allowing me to visit Peru in January, 2011 and for shaping my life because of it
  • Work- because everybody in the office was hospitable and kind, and you all taught me so much about real life work (and event planning, and baby bibs and etc etc)
  • The Businesspeople- profs and classmates, for teaching me so much about marketing and management and life. And for giving me a reason to become a little sassy.
  • My friends- you know who you are, and I’m going to miss you all, and I hope you come visit me!
  • The Mail Center- because obv y’all deserve your own shout-out, and because my day was always a little better after visiting you guys
  • Maybe also a S/O should go for Dunkin Donuts because I probs couldn’t have passed my classes without the caffeine. So thanks for that.

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There’s one thing left to say…

Go Trolls!

Today my good friend Cassie is turning 22! I’m giving thanks for Cassie because she has a heart of gold, she looks at the bigger picture, and because she’s a sweet friend and a whole lot of fun, too.



Here’s to good memories, a good friend, and hopefully good times ahead, too (next semester I’m hoping for a visit)!


For The Holidays


Funny how you could say “There’s No Place Like Home” and think one thing (WIzard of Oz, anyone?) but then when you add “For The Holidays” you immediately change your train of thought to the cheerful Christmas song.

Well, it’s true–there’s no place like home for the holidays, and I’m glad to be spending this one with my family. I loved yesterday with several of my cousins, aunts, uncles, and a few friends who are more like family. I’m giving thanks for good times that become sweet memories.





Today I give thanks for so many things- a warm

Home, good friends,

And a wonderful country, just to

Name a few of the things I often take for granted.

Kind friends, generous parents, and a home

Filled with family and friends are quickly

Underestimated until I give thanks to my

Loving Father for all He has provided.

Celebrating Auntie


My Auntie celebrated her birthday this weekend. I so wish I could have been there to help celebrate, but I guess she will just have to celebrate a second time when I see her next!

I call her Auntie but in reality she’s my second mom. I’m so thankful for my Auntie because she has taught me so many things. Auntie leads by example and I’m so glad to have her in my life.

My Auntie is brave, responsible, thoughtful, creative and fun. Truly Auntie is a gift and a blessing in my life-my life is significantly better because Auntie is a part of it.

So here’s to you, Auntie! Thanks for being the best!



Happy Birthday Ham


My good friend Hannah AKA Ham is 22 today!

I hardly knew Ham our freshman year of college; I do believe it was the second semester of sophomore year when we had a really good post-chapel chat about her semester in Ecuador. I’ve always felt a bond with her as Ecuador’s neighbor is Peru, and a piece of my heart is there.

Enter junior year. I remember Lisa asking Ham and I to make a sign for our residence building at the very beginning of the school year (we’re talking preseason early). I think that was our first one-on-one bonding experience, and it was a good one. Ever since that fun evening, I’ve been giving thanks for Hammie and for her wise words, thoughtful spirit, and fun friendship. Basically, Hannah rocks and I’m glad to be a part of her life!
