The Seven Semesters: #5


If you’ve been following my Seven Semesters series, you won’t be surprised to know I was fearful and skeptical of what this next semester might bring. But I clung to the truth and truly saw that

when I have the least amount of control, God takes control and wonderful things happen.

I came into junior year with very low expectations, but it was hands-down-by-far fabulous.

[Side note: if you want to have background music while listening to this post, I’d recommend you listen to what I jammed to all year: Florida Georgia Line, the Pitch Perfect Soundtrack and Joel Piper songs including Gimme That Love Song and The Only One.]

First of all, my job kept me very busy at the beginning of the year. I didn’t realize what a large role I would get to play in homecoming, but I loved the extra responsibility, bonding with my boss, and seeing everything fall into place on homecoming day.


My floor even called me “homecoming queen” and they encouraged and supported me so fully, that other people on campus thought I was legit homecoming queen! (We don’t, in fact, have homecoming court) Ha!

I went for round two of freshman mentoring. Man, this group threw me for a loop. Before I met these students, I prayed that they would feel comfortable to speak and get to know each other, and that they would have peace. I think God probably laughed at this request. My fabulous group walked in the door bouncing jokes off of each other. I’m so thankful for this group of students; I consider several of them good friends to this day and I loved their spunk and preparedness for college from the start.


I think this picture accurately displays the enthusiasm and excellence going on in this ALPHA FYF group. But can I just brag about this group a quick sec and tell you that they’re all doing amazing things – some on campus, and some outside of campus? What a TALENTED group of leaders, smarties, and just genuinely nice people.

I was nervous about housing but I have to tell you that it was, legitimately, the My roommate Allison and I spent so much time together and we got along very well; I just love Allison because she is one of the kindest gals I’ll probably ever know. We would go on Tours of the Town where we’d visit, like, eight different places in one of our nearby towns. And then there was the time (I think we called it Man Night?) when we went to Menards, Wal-Mart and Nonna’s Pizza. I should honestly write a blog post about all the music we jammed to because we did a lot of that.

We had two wonderful sophomore suitemates, Anna and Kelly. I couldn’t pick either of these girls out of a crowd before junior year and I can truly say I felt so blessed living with them. Kelly is artistic, a dedicated runner, and a stylish shopper! She’s also extremely sweet, hard working and a dear friend. Anna is a smartie! She  also played softball and spent a lot of time with her teammates. She’s a beautiful, loving, and thoughtful big sister and I know her younger sisters look up to her so much. What a joy it was to get to know these ladies!


10,000 reasons to sing praise to the Lord.

My RA Lisa was also theeeee best. While completing her most difficult year of nursing school, she took the time it required to take on the RA role; and she didn’t just do it- she did it well. Because Lisa prayed for and supported and loved me, she became one of my closest, dearest most treasured friends. I learned what a support system can do for my emotional health. And she showed me-by example- what it means to truly live for Christ.

Dorm Away From Home


Even though I commuted this semester, I definitely had a home on campus (you know, a place to store my hummus, borrow friends’ shoes, and take naps). I was invited to crash attend this dorm building’s Christmas dinner. The theme was Ugly Christmas Sweater. Ironically, I didn’t have one so I borrowed one from my dorm-away-from-home.

ImageHighlights of the evening included good company, funny outfits, games that are usually only played at showers, and Christmas karaoke (Rochelle sang Santa Baby, need I say more?).

Variety Pack AKA Campus Community


A specific example explaining why I’m going to miss my college:

I went to our campus Bookstore/Cafe in order to spend my $50 gift certificate (I won it for being the 200th tweet tagged #trollstock13). My friend Steph was working and she helped me pick two items. My total was just under $50 so the ladies at the counter encouraged me to pick one more thing. My choice was Burt’s Bees chap stick because I’m addicted to chap stick but I don’t see it as a problem.

My total now comes to $50.35. I left my wallet in the car and I didn’t have cash on me. My friend Katie walks by.

“Hey KP, could I borrow 35 cents?” I ask

“Sarah I have money in my wallet you can borrow,” Steph replies at the counter.

“You could just bring the change in next time you stop in,” the ladies at the counter offer.

Katie gives me a dollar, “keep the change. it’s yours.”


I then proceed to the cafe section of the joint, with two friend at my side (Shoutout to Garv and Lisa, #phil102c).

We’re upper classmen so we don’t even feel bad about snagging the best spot in the house-by the fireplace and with couches.

We run into our friend Becca (feel free to prounounce her name Bec-Caw, as exemplified in Pitch Perfect). She joins us.

My dear friend Caroline walks in. She sits with us. Boom.

Lauren stops by and begins chatting (we just keep winning).

Coach (AKA Partner AKA Hannah) enters the building and says, “what kind of meeting is this?”


It wasn’t a meeting. Just good friends enjoying campus community. Coach then joined too.

I am thankful.

My Friend Megan A



My good friend Megan celebrated her birthday just under one month ago. I never wrote a post for her but I love her lots and she deserves a shoutout.

Megan- I loved getting to know you well this year! You have been a significant blessing in my life over the past twelve months and I appreciate and admire you. From ULA class to MWF lunch dates to the Cubs game and several shenanigans… I love so many memories with you and I’m thankful to be your friend!

Floorcast: June 2: Lisa Turns 21


My very good friend Lisa turned 21 today! I so wish I could celebrate with her “in the flesh and on the day” but since I can’t, I am thinking of her, giving thanks for our friendship, and eagerly awaiting the next time I will see her!

ImageOne thing I loved about this past year was our giant dinner groups, and they almost always consisted of many good friends including Lisa…I love Lisa’s warm and welcoming heart, making everyone feel important and heard.


Planning and executing Trunk Or Treat was a high for sure. I loved going to the sketch dollar store with Lisa, getting decorations, and coming up with ridiculous costumes. The kids thought I was the Grinch. Probably cooler than what I actually was (a green crayon-if you couldn’t tell- which you probably couldn’t tell).


Lisa is a classy girl and I love that she appreciates the fine things of life!


Lisa is exceptional with rolling with the punches, like the time we went to WalMart and our plan flopped, but we still had a good time being together.

ImageLisa was a part of Juice Pouch night, which was clearly a great time with even better company.

ImageLaGrange night is my most recent favorite memory with Lisa, and it still makes my heart happy to think about the good time we had together there.


Lisa. You are selfless and sweet,

fun and smart,

caring and thoughtful and inspiring.


I am so thankful for you!


Tib Formal


On Friday night, my res building had a formal dinner. We had a really good time getting dressed up and eating above average not-quite-caf food. The evening included a few videos commemorating the year as well as awards…and my suite got the CLEANEST GIRLS SUITE award (although that award must not account for the shower…ha).


Becca & I were both quite pleased with this picture… no red eye! 😉

The Evolution of My Outfit


I had to dress up for my 8:00 today. Then it rained and I didn’t want my sweater on anymore, yet I still like to look nice for work. Now it’s time for night class and yoga pants is gonna be the ticket for getting through another Wednesday. I’d say being able to change 3x in a day is a definite advantage of living on campus 🙂
