Today I Graduated From College


Technically, I graduated from college in December 2013, but today was the day I participated in the ceremony  and walked alongside many friends and classmates to receive our diplomas together.

I will go back to my SEVEN SEMESTERS posts but tonight is the time to reflect on this special day.

I walked into the science center with my friend and fellow business major Joey. The two of us entered into a basement classroom filled with other graduates donned in caps and gowns and medallions and gold ropes. I got to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in weeks or months.

All the graduates were assigned in an order; I got to be with all the BS business people (my crew!). I got to sit between Brandon and Elizabeth; I knew everyone who graduated in our section (I just love my little school).

We had time to take a few pictures, chat, and re-arrange our caps before finally walking into the chapel where the ceremony took place.

Our speaker was funny. Our student association president (AKA my good friend Nate) led a litany; our Lincoln Laureate (AKA my good friend Megan) led our class through the processional. Our speaker was funny and challenging; the Cool Guys’ Floor freshman year was named after him.

Rochelle’s dad closed out the service with a really special benediction. I couldn’t think of a more special way to close the ceremony.

We marched outside. I enjoyed a few low-key moments with my classmates; then everybody else headed outside. I chatted with friends, classmates, professors, friends’ parents and grandparents, and a few people I didn’t even know. I smiled for pictures and said a whole lot of “let’s-not-say-goodbye-but-instead-I’ll-see-you-at-[mutual friend’s]-wedding-this-summer.”

I’m so thankful for my college professors-very smart individuals who care about me as an individual and remember me even several semesters after I’ve been enrolled in their classes. I have learned so much during college; I’m thankful for the patience, Christian insight, and hard work that my instructors consistently displayed throughout the semesters.

My gratitude also extends to my classmates who graduated with me-congratulations! Our class is sending out some wonderful nurses and social workers and businesspeople and teachers and accountants and historians and psychologists. Thank you for learning with me and teaching me so much, both in the classroom and beyond.

I think that we are leaving this community in good hands. I have had the pleasure to meet so many Trolls who are still students and I cannot wait to see the things that they do as individuals, and the things they will do as a whole.

Trinity, you have been very good to me.


Eph. 3: 20-21
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Party Bus


All yall can’t judge me anymore if we play “Never Have I Ever” because I have now been on a party bus (side rant: is it a good thing or a bad thing to win “Never Have I Ever”?; Like, congratulations, you win-you haven’t done anything).  Ben and Megan had a very fun wedding party and attempting to all get up and dance was so funny. I also got a kick out of our bus driver (Mike) who was hilarious and he didn’t even know it. In addition to exceptional company, this particular party bus also included spectacular music and, surprisingly, little flowers flying everywhere. I guess our bouquets were getting a little hot and tired by then.


Annie and Travis Tied the Knot


My first hometown friend got married this weekend. I remember meeting Anne Marie when her family moved in fourth grade and our friendship has come a LONG way. I’m so thankful that Annie and I have become friends, especially in high school and even through college. I love how Annie is growing closer to the Lord and how happy she is when she’s with Travis. I think Annie and Travis are great for each other and celebrating their big day with them was really special for me. Did I mention I had a blast at their wedding and reception?
