The Seven Semesters: #1


I’m allowing myself to be sentimental and take a cruise down memory lane to remember a few highlights from each semester, leading up to this Saturday when I’ll officially graduate college. Freshman year was rich- I met so many people and became close friends with the girls on my floor and my RA. Sleep was scarce; ironically, homework was, too. Like all the freshmen, I took a bunch of gen-ed classes where I learned a little and made a lot of friends. 


Kelly was our fearless RA; Kirsten was my fabulous roommate. Our room was a mess but it was perfect. We loved our neighbors and visited them often.


My main people first semester were in this picture; many of them are still considered good friends today! We all lived in South Hall and bonded over the humid nights.


A favorite memory of mine was our floor’s ugly Christmas sweater party. Kirst and I were the only ones who showed up in ugly Christmas sweaters!


My Friend Megan A



My good friend Megan celebrated her birthday just under one month ago. I never wrote a post for her but I love her lots and she deserves a shoutout.

Megan- I loved getting to know you well this year! You have been a significant blessing in my life over the past twelve months and I appreciate and admire you. From ULA class to MWF lunch dates to the Cubs game and several shenanigans… I love so many memories with you and I’m thankful to be your friend!

The Evolution of My Outfit


I had to dress up for my 8:00 today. Then it rained and I didn’t want my sweater on anymore, yet I still like to look nice for work. Now it’s time for night class and yoga pants is gonna be the ticket for getting through another Wednesday. I’d say being able to change 3x in a day is a definite advantage of living on campus 🙂
