Half-Way Status: January


January has been here, there, and everywhere for this girl! I rang in the New Year at my family’s cabin Up North. Then, I took a few days to settle into the Cteve Hut! And then, I started a new chapter of life (technically, I started more of a second-book-in-the-same-series, if you will). I. Am. Not. A. Student. Anymore. *insert all the happy and sad faces here.*

So this new chapter/book.  I’ve already worked two whole weeks, what?! I’m thankful for my job, and I’m beginning to get the hang of this life, but there are a few things I’m missing about college. I suppose that’s to be expected! Shoutout to #phil102c because I keep telling myself what I said once in class, that work is the vegetables of life- working is good for me and necessary for my health.

Even though January isn’t my fave month (in fact, it’s among my least faves- winter with virtually no holidays.. what’s there to love?) I have been doing a few things to keep life interesting. I started a Fantasy Bachelorette League (it’s Juanderful!) which, I mean, is pretty exciting. I also have been doing a little exporing of the Milwaukee area (I’m alllllways gonna be down for Colectivo, FYI).

Our league is now officially named Girls [And Guys] Just Juan To Have Fun. Ha!

Our league is now officially named Girls [And Guys] Just Juan To Have Fun. Ha!

Here’s to the second half of January! Let’s make the most of these [short] nights!